

Prefix: Nin
System: Gender-in-Nature
GxG Format: n

Gender(s): Neutral genders

Ningender is an umbrella term for all genders which are neutral-in-nature (shorted to NIN).[1] It can be used as an umbrella term for any genders that are related to neutrality.

Ningender can also be used as a gender on its own, referring to any gender that isn't fully defined by being neutral but is still related to neutrality, or a gender in which neutrality is its defining feature. It's often used by individuals who cannot narrow down their gender any more than being neutral.


Ningender was coined by pastelmemer and posted by pride-color-schemes on 15 June 2017.[1]

Related Terms

Label Relationship Description Differences
Fingender Counterpart Fingender is an umbrella term for all genders which are feminine in nature (FIN). Fingender refers to femininity.
Mingender Counterpart Mingender is an umbrella term for all genders which are masculine in nature (MIN). Mingender refers to masculinity.
Ninsexual Counterpart Ninsexual is the exclusive attraction to those who are neutral in nature (NIN), either in their gender and/or their presentation. Ninsexual is the sexual counterpart to Ningender.
Niaspec Similar Niaspec is an umbrella term for anyone on the neutral spectrum. Ningender is for genders that are in some way neutral, whereas niaspec includes genders on the neutral spectrum (even if they are not neutral in any way)

Flags and Symbols

The ningender flag was designed by pastelmemer.[1] The three-stripe simplified flag was created by Viva-la-MOGAI on December 3rd, 2018, to make it easier to replicate[2] The five-stripe simplified flag was created by Transfeminine on July 5th, 2022.[3]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 pride-color-schemes "Ningender". Tumblr, 15 June 2017, Archived on 20 Feb 2020.
  2. Viva-la-MOGAI "I tried to make simplified versions of the Fingender, Mingender, Lingender and Ningender pride flags.". Tumblr, 3 Dec 2018, Archived on 25 Aug 2021.
  3. Transfeminine. "Some simplified flags". gender.fandom, 5 Jul. 2022, Archived on 10 Jul. 2022.