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Attribute categories act as tags to further classify terms and identities within the wiki.

Standard Attributes

Category Name Also See Description Examples
Exclusive to Alterhumanity Kingender Terms that are exclusive to alterhuman individuals and their experiences.
Exclusive to Neurodivergence Neurogender Terms that are exclusive to neurodivergent individuals and their experiences.
Exclusive to Plurality Terms that are exclusive to plural individuals and their experiences. This can include DID, OSDD, and other similar experiences. Innerphoria is an experience exclusive to system members for when one feels dysphoria when fronting.
Exclusive to Trauma Terms that are exclusive to individuals who have experienced trauma. Caedsexual describes individuals who no longer experience sexual attraction due to trauma.
Includes Changing Instances Terms that include a shift or change of each or most instances of identity. They are not the same as fluid or fluctuating identities, as those terms change on a scale that accounts for everyone involved, whereas changing instances only refer to the changing of particular individuals or relationships. Keepromantic includes changing instances as it describes the loss of romantic attraction when that instance of attraction is rejected. Their romantic orientation does not disappear, only that instance of attraction.
Includes Dependencies Terms that include identities that require some sort of non-gendered dependency before a condition is experienced. Demisexual individuals require a close emotional bond before attraction is felt.
Includes Partial Demigender Terms that include the partial identification or relation to an identity. A boyish individual may feel sort of like a boy, not quite a boy, not fully a boy, a little bit like a boy, or almost a boy.
Includes Preferences Terms that include the individual's preferences or a mentioned lack of preferences. Ambiamorous mentions preferences as it explicitly states there is little to no preference between polyamorous and monoamorous.

Aboy also mentions preferences as it includes the preference to be recognised as a man/boy.

Includes Ratios Terms that include a specified ratio. Oxigender involves ratios, as it involves the identification of a main gender, significant gender, and an insignificant gender.

Hemigender also involves ratios, as it involves the identification of being 50% of one gender, and 50% of another. In contrast, bigender would NOT belong in this category because despite it involving two genders, the ratio is not specified.

Includes Static Suptilic / Suptilian Terms that include a static or unchanging aspect. Panaspec refers to an individual who experiences no attraction whatsoever, at any point in time - which would be a static aspect.
Includes Time Terms that always involve a timed or temporal status or effect. Endesexual includes timed attributes, where one's sexual attraction to an individual disappears over time.

Interaction Stances

Terms that include the individual's stances on interactions.

Category Name Alias Description Examples
Includes Ambivalence Ambivalent Mixed or complicate feelings towards certain interactions.
Includes Aversity Averse Averse to certain interactions. May invoke feelings of reluctance, antipathy, or avoidance. Orchidsexual involves sex-aversity, or a distinct lack of desire, which is a stance (averse) towards an interaction (sex).
Includes Desire Desired Desires certain interactions. May invoke feelings of longing, craving, or wishing. Cupiosexual involves sex-desire, which is a stance (desire) towards an interaction (sex).
Includes Drainage Drained Repulsed by certain interactions due to trauma or exhaustion. See Includes Repulsion.
Includes Favor Favorable Favorable towards certain interactions. May invoke feelings of approval, support, or favouritism.
Includes Indifference Indifferent Indifferent towards certain interactions. May invoke feelings of apathy, detachment, or a lack of feeling altogether. Apapronominal involves pronoun-indifference, which is a stance (indifference) towards an interaction (being referred to via pronouns).
Includes Oscillation Oscillating One's stance(s) towards certain interactions change or fluctuate over time.
Includes Pique(categ could be renamed better) Piqued Favorable towards certain interactions due to trauma recovery or mania. See Includes Favor.
Includes Repulsion Repulsed Repulsed by certain interactions. May invoke feelings of disgust, shame, or avoidance. Apothisexual involves sex-repulsion, which is a stance (repulsion) towards an interaction (sex).


This category has the following 17 subcategories, out of 17 total.