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Lesboy or boy lesbian (Boysbian) refers to an individual who identifies as both a lesbian and a boy/man/male in any capacity, so anyone who is a man/boy who has a gay/queer attraction to women (lesbian):

This can include:

- an individual who is cusper/evenic between transgender man and a cisgender butch lesbian. Essentially an individual who feels as if they are on the boundaries or are ‘on the cusp’ of being either transgender man and cisgender butch.

- An individual who feels they are in between being a trans woman and a gender non-conforming cis man.

- An individual who is cusper/evenic between (lesbian) transgender woman and gender non-conforming cis man.

- A cross-aligned lesbian, such as a man-aligned/solarian girl or a woman-aligned/lunarian boy. Essentially one whose gender alignment doesn’t match their actual gender/gender experience.

- A multigender individual or an individual who otherwise identifies as male and female simultaneously and feels attraction to women.

- An individual who is genderfluid and identifies as a lesbian, even when they are male.

- A centrigender individual experiencing a gender in between fiaspec and miaspec while femaric.

- A lesbiangender, sapphicgender, lesbiagender, or sapphogender man or masculenby/enboy.

- Anyone else who is in some way a boy/man and feels their attraction to women is gay/queer.

The term is useful for pleonotic boys, who aren't always essentially or entirely male. However, the term is also used by lesbian men and male lesbians.


It is unknown when the term was first coined however iterations of the term have existed for some time.

The term has been described as controversial…(needs to be expanded)

Similar Terms

Term Relationship Description Difference
Turigirl Opposite This refers to an individual who in some way identifies as a girl/woman/gal that is gay for men. Lesboy is the opposite of Turigirl.

Sub Terms

Term Prefix/Suffix Description Flag Coiner
Demilesboy Demi- Demilesboy is a term for individuals who identify as 'partially' or 'half' a lesboy. thenelsonsystem[1]



  1. The Nelson System. "Demilesboy". Tumblr, 10 Nov. 2021, https://web.archive.org/web/20211128183811/https://thenelsonsystem.tumblr.com/post/667489445703008256/demilesboy. Archived on 28 Nov. 2021.