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Multigender, or polygender, is a gender identity for individuals who experience two or more genders.

Multigender individuals may experience these gender identities at the same time (kymenian), their gender identity may change over time (genderfluid). their gender identity may experience fluctuation in the intensity of those genders (multiflux). The genders they experience can be male, female and/or any non-binary identities.


Polygender was first known to be described in 1995 as having "characteristics of multiple genders, deliberately refuting the concept of only two genders".[1] In 1998, the word polygender was used in a transgender community on the internet called Sphere as an umbrella term for trans individuals whose genders were outside the binary.

Related Terms

Label Description
Bigender Two genders
Pangender All genders
Quadgender Four genders.
Trigender Three genders

Flags and Symbols


  1. Bowen, Gary. "A Dictionary of Words for Masculine Women". ' Accessed on 22 Jul. 2024. Archived on 5 Nov. 1996.