Sylvian System

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The Sylvian System is one of the four Nature Systems, and is a gender alignment system for genders related to forests and/or specific aspects and aesthetics of forests. These include mystery, peace, intense nature, cottages, trees, and the way light shines almost magically in forests, among other things. Sylvian genders focus on more specific aspects are also strongly connected to nature as a whole, separating them from other floragenders.

Each gender in the Sylvian system can be used as a gender on its own, or as a modifier for another gender in the system.

Alignment Genders

Term Description Flag Coiner
Brethrian A term that describes one who is miaspec/mingender. Reign of the breadsticcs
Crispenian A term that describes one who is xiaspec. Reign of the breadsticcs
Dewian A term that describes one who is niaspec/ningender. Reign of the breadsticcs
Ivyan A term that describes one who is outherine. Reign of the breadsticcs
Nebbian A term that describes one who is unaligned/uingender. Reign of the breadsticcs
Mistian A term that describes one who is fiaspec/fingender. Reign of the breadsticcs
Misthrian A term that describes one who is liaspec/lingender. Reign of the breadsticcs

Double Alignments

Term Description Flag Coiner
Aivirian A term that describes one who is fiaspec/fingender and xiaspec. Reign of the breadsticcs
Amanian A term that describes one who is miaspec/mingender and xiaspec. Reign of the breadsticcs
Ederaean A term that describes one who is miaspec/mingender and niaspec/ningender. Reign of the breadsticcs
Fiumean A term that describes one who is outherine and liaspec/lingender. Reign of the breadsticcs
Foraoisian A term that describes one who is fiaspec/fingender and outherine. Reign of the breadsticcs
Freian A term that describes one who is xiaspec and liaspec/lingender. Reign of the breadsticcs
Ihlathian A term that describes one who is fiaspec/fingender and niaspec/ningender. Reign of the breadsticcs
Irelean A term that describes one who is xiaspec and outherine. Reign of the breadsticcs
Iuniperian A term that describes one who is niaspec/ningender and outherine. Reign of the breadsticcs
Lehinian A term that describes one who is niaspec/ningender and xiaspec. Reign of the breadsticcs
Lumian A term that describes one who is miaspec/mingender and outherine. Reign of the breadsticcs
Osimirian A term that describes one who is fiaspec/fingender and miaspec/mingender. Reign of the breadsticcs
Rivierean A term that describes one who is niaspec/ningender and liaspec/lingender. Reign of the breadsticcs

Partial/Combination Alignments

Term Description Flag Coiner
Arvorean A term that describes one who is partially fiaspec/fingender, partially unaligned. Reign of the breadsticcs
Emeraldian A term that describes one who is partially outherine, partially unaligned. Reign of the breadsticcs
Giliaian A term that describes one who is partially xiaspec, partially unaligned. Reign of the breadsticcs
Imbalian A term that describes one who is partially niaspec/ningender, partially unaligned. Reign of the breadsticcs
Misturian A term that’s describes one who is partially liaspec/lingender, partially unaligned. Reign of the breadsticcs
Uxolian A term that describes one who is partially miaspec/mingender, partially unaligned. Reign of the breadsticcs

Forest Aesthetic Alignments

Term Description Flag Coiner
Borean A term that describes one's gender which relates to nature, and specifically arctics forests. Reign of the breadsticcs
Eilumescian A term that describes one's gender which relates to nature, and specifically otherworldly and/or mythological forests. Reign of the breadsticcs
Ipinean A term that describes one's gender which relates to nature, and specifically pine forests. Reign of the breadsticcs
Myrkurian A term that describes one's gender which relates to nature, and specifically dark, evil, mysterious forests. Reign of the breadsticcs
Selvaean A term that describes one's gender which relates to nature, and specifically tropical forests, rainforests, and/or jungles Reign of the breadsticcs


All of the terms and flags from the Sylvian System were coined throughout the month of February 2021 by FANDOM user Reign of the breadsticcs.

All of the information has been gathered from the Miraheze Wiki.[1]



  1. "Slyvian System". LGBTQIA Wiki, Accessed on 08 Aug. 2024.