Nadurian System

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The Nadurian System is one of the four Nature Systems, and is a gender alignment system for genders related to nature and/or specific aspects and aesthetics of nature. These include purity, freedom, plants and flowers, sunsets, etc. The nadurian genders are focused on more specific aspects and also strongly connected to nature as a whole, separating them from other floragenders.

Each gender in the Nadurian system can be used as a gender on its own, or as a modifier for another gender in the system.

Alignment Genders

Term Description Flag Coiner
Anderean A term that describes one who is outherine. Reign of the breadsticcs
Cespean A term that describes one who is niaspec/ningender. Reign of the breadsticcs
Eldurian A term that describes one who is miaspec/mingender. Reign of the breadsticcs
Ignisian A term that describes one who is xiaspec. Reign of the breadsticcs
Racinean A term that describes one who is unaligned/uingender. Reign of the breadsticcs
Rhosynian A term that describes one who is fiaspec/fingender. Reign of the breadsticcs
Xmaraen A term that describes one who is liaspec/lingender. Reign of the breadsticcs

Double Alignments

Term Description Flag Coiner
Arcillean A term that describes one who is fiaspec/fingender and xiaspec. Reign of the breadsticcs
Chrysenian A term that describes one who is xiaspec and liaspec/lingender. Reign of the breadsticcs
Frestilian A term that describes one who is miaspec/mingender and outherine. Reign of the breadsticcs
Flustrian A term that describes one who is niaspec/ningender and liaspec/lingender. Reign of the breadsticcs
Mandivyan A term that describes one who is niaspec/ningender and outherine. Reign of the breadsticcs
Naitilian A term that describes one who is fiaspec/fingender and miaspec/mingender. Reign of the breadsticcs
Nescyan A term that describes one who is niaspec/ningender and xiaspec. Reign of the breadsticcs
Nyalian A term that describes one who is miaspec/mingender and niaspec/ningender. Reign of the breadsticcs
Nymerean A term that describes one who is fiaspec/fingender and niaspec/ningender. Reign of the breadsticcs
Omnysian A term that describes one who is xiaspec and outherine. Reign of the breadsticcs
Rondeaen A term that describes one who is fiaspec/fingender and outherine. Reign of the breadsticcs
Vandrian A term that describes one who is miaspec/mingender and xiaspec. Reign of the breadsticcs
Wystavian A term that describes one who is outherine and liaspec/lingender. Reign of the breadsticcs

Partial/Combination Alignments

Term Description Flag Coiner
Adaharian A term that describes one who is partially niaspec/ningender, partially unaligned. Reign of the breadsticcs
Anilean A term that describes one who is partially fiaspec/fingender, partially unaligned. Reign of the breadsticcs
Eidelian A term that describes one who is partially xiaspec, partially unaligned. Reign of the breadsticcs
Inanisian A term that describes one who is partially miaspec/mingender, partially unaligned. Reign of the breadsticcs
Lathairian A term that describes one who is partially outherine, partially unaligned. Reign of the breadsticcs
Ravynian A term that’s describes one who is partially liaspec/lingender, partially unaligned. Reign of the breadsticcs

Nature Aesthetic Alignments

Term Description Flag Coiner
Alluvian A term that describes one's gender which relates to nature, and specifically rain. Reign of the breadsticcs
Berylian A term that describes one's gender which relates to nature, and specifically its colors. Reign of the breadsticcs
Cinderian A term that describes one's gender which relates to nature, and specifically fire. Reign of the breadsticcs
Crespian A term that describes one's gender which relates to nature, and specifically trees. Reign of the breadsticcs
Ehlanean A term that describes one's gender which relates to nature, and specifically deserts. Reign of the breadsticcs
Feurian A term that describes one's gender which relates to nature, and specifically grass. Reign of the breadsticcs
Gaoithean A term that describes one's gender which relates to nature, and specifically wind. Reign of the breadsticcs
Glaciesian A term that describes one's gender which relates to nature, and specifically ice. Reign of the breadsticcs
Mendian A term that describes one's gender which relates to nature, and specifically mountains Reign of the breadsticcs
Nievian A term that describes one's gender which relates to nature, and specifically snow. Reign of the breadsticcs
Nubian A term that describes one's gender which relates to nature, and specifically clouds. Reign of the breadsticcs
Ravinean A term that describes one's gender which relates to nature, and specifically leaves. Reign of the breadsticcs
Sumendian A term that describes one's gender which relates to nature, and specifically volcanoes. Reign of the breadsticcs
Tempestian A term that describes one's gender which relates to nature, and specifically storms. Reign of the breadsticcs
Toirneachean A term that describes one's gender which relates to nature, and specifically thunder, lightning, and thunderstorms. Reign of the breadsticcs
Viridian A term that describes one's gender which relates to nature, and specifically plants. Reign of the breadsticcs


All of the terms and flags from the Nadurian System were coined throughout the month of February 2021 by FANDOM user Reign of the breadsticcs.

All of the information has been gathered from the Miraheze Wiki.[1]



  1. "Nadurian System". LGBTQIA Wiki, Accessed on 08 Aug. 2024.