Agender X

(Redirected from Agender Achillean)

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Note: Some of the descriptions in the tables have been copied and pasted, they will in time be reworked.

Agender X is an umbrella term describing those who are Agender or Genderless, but are still connected to or aligned to a certain gender identity.

The X in ‘Agender X’ can be replace with any other gender identity/gender term in order to describe a more specific identity. It is important to note, that the gender identity replacing the X does not need to be a binary gender identity.

Agender X has also been used in terms of orientation and sexuality, using Agender as a prefix to describe one who is Agender and X, X for example could be Sapphic, referring to one being both Agender and Sapphic.

Related Terms

Term Relationship Description Difference
Aboy/Agirl Similar Aboy, or Agirl, is a gender identity on the agender spectrum which describes an agender-identifying individual who prefers to be or has no trouble being perceived as a male or female or a masculine-presenting or feminine-presenting individual. Agender X is about being Agender and connected to/aligned to a certain gender identity.
Bxy/Gxrl Similar The first way is a gender that is both male/female and agender/greygender or otherwise genderless. There are several ways one can be a bxy/Gxrl, such as:

The second way is less common, and is using the word as a label rather than a gender, as an alternative way to say agender boy or agender girl

Agender X is a gender identity in of itself rather than being both at the same time.
Demiagender Similar This refers to which one is partially, but not fully, agender. A demiagender individual feels that their gender is partially agender and partially another gender/multiple other genders. Demiagender refers to being partially Agender.


Label Flag Description Coiner
Agender Boy Refers to individuals who are agender or genderless, yet are still connected to or aligned with being a boy. Unknown
Agender Girl Refers to individuals who are agender or genderless, yet are still connected to or aligned with being a girl. Unknown
Agender Man This refers to an individual who is agender and a man or man-aligned. It is a more specific version of non-binary man. This can be defined in multiple ways, including but not limited to:
  1. One is bigender or multigender.
  2. One is partially a man (demiboy) with the other part being agender.
  3. One is boyflux and sometimes feels like a man/male-aligned and sometimes agender.
  4. One is genderfluid, but experiences mostly manhood/man-aligned genders, and genderlessness.
  5. One is agender but prefers or is comfortable being perceived as male (aboy)
  6. One is agender, but is connected to manhood in some way.
Agender Woman An agender woman is someone who is agender and a woman or woman-aligned. It is a more specific version of non-binary woman. This can be defined in multiple ways, including but not limited to:
  1. One is bigender or multigender.
  2. One is partially a woman (demigirl) with the other part being agender.
  3. One is girlflux and sometimes feels like a woman/female-aligned and sometimes agender.
  4. One is genderfluid, but experiences mostly womanhood/woman-aligned genders, and genderlessness.
  5. One is agender but prefers or is comfortable being perceived as female (agirl)
  6. One is agender, but is connected to womanhood in some way.


Label Flag Description Coiner
Agender Achillean An Agender Achillean is someone who is partially or fully agender, who is attracted to men and man-aligned people (exclusively or not) in an achillean way/identifies as achillean. Zer0Rebel4
Agender Enbian Agender Enbian is a term for individuals who are partially or fully agender, who are attracted to non-binary individuals. Starry-Cometcon101
Agender Gay An Agender Gay, is an individual who is agender or otherwise genderless, who is attracted to men and male-aligned individuals and identifies as gay. Zer0Rebel4
Agender Lesbian An Agender Lesbian is someone who is agender or otherwise genderless and who is attracted to women and identifies as a lesbian. femmelawyer
Agender Sapphic An Agender Sapphic is someone who is partially or fully agender, who is attracted to women and woman-aligned people (exclusively or not) in a sapphic way/identifies as sapphic. Zer0Rebel4


