

Main Umbrella: Miaspec
GxG Format: AM

Gender(s): Boy and Agender

Bxy (pronounced as boy x or just boy) is a gender identity for individuals that identify as both a boy and agender, the letter x replacing the letter o in boy to represent the agender component.[1]

This can be experienced in various forms, including partially identifying as a boy and partially no gender, or experiencing a gender that fluctuates between boy and no gender.[1]


Bxy was coined by Tumblr user sadghostbxy on the 28th of January, 2017.[1]

Related Terms

Label Relationship Description Difference
Aboy Similar Identifying as agender but not minding being perceived as a boy. Aboy individuals only identify as agender/genderless.
Demiboy Similar Identifying as a boy and some other gender. Demiboy is not inherently agender/genderless.
Gxrl Counterpart Identifying as both a girl and agender. Gxrl is the girl counterpart to bxy.
Libraman Similar Identifying as a man but mostly agender. Bxy does not specify the intensity of the gender.
Nxn-Binary Counterpart Identifying as both non-binary/neutral and agender. Nxn-Binary is the non-binary counterpart to bxy.

Flags and Symbols

The bxy flag was created by Tumblr user sadghostbxy, and published by pride-color-schemes on the 28th of January, 2017. Is it a combination of the agender and transmasculine flag.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 pride-color-schemes. "Bxy". Tumblr, 28 Jan, 2017, https://pride-color-schemes.tumblr.com/post/156482134295/bxy.