

Gender(s): All genders that are not feminine in nature

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Nofingender, is an "umbrella term for all genders that are not feminine in nature"

As a standalone term, nofingender is a gender that not feminine, but otherwise cannot be fully defined, or a gender in which its defining feature is not being feminine.

Related Terms

Label Relationship Description Difference
Fingender Opposite Fingender is an umbrella term for all genders which are feminine in nature. Nofingender does not include feminine genders
Nofinsexual Counterpart Nofinsexual is the attraction to anyone except fingender and/or feminine-presenting individuals. Nofinsexual is the sexual counterpart to nofingender.
Nomingender Counterpart Nomingender refers to genders that are not masculine in nature. Nofingender can include masculine genders.
Noningender Counterpart Noningender refers to genders that are not neutral in nature. Nofingender can include neutral genders.


On Feburary 7, 2019, nofingender and its flag were coined by Tumblr user IMOGAI-pride.[1]


  1. Imoga-pride. Tumblr, 07 Feb. 2019, Archived on 10 Dec. 2021.