

Hello welcome to my userpage!


Feminine Names:

  • Alessia
  • Lizzie
  • Pearl

Masculine Names:

  • Arlo
  • Kit

Neutral Names:

  • Morgan

Identities and Labels

Aspec Identities:





Miscellaneous Terms:


Traditional Pronouns:

  • He/Him/His/His/Himself
  • She/Her/Hers/Hers/Herself
  • They/Them/Theirs/Themself


  • Ze/Zem/Zir/Zirs/Zirself


  • Civil and informative LGBT discussions
  • Etymology
  • History
  • Hunger Games
  • Imagine Dragons
  • Language learning (I am learning Spanish, Dutch and Portuguese.)
  • Little Mix (Leigh-Anne in particular)
  • Louis Tomlinson
  • Men (hehe)
  • Minecraft
  • Pop rock music
  • Reading
  • Stranger Things
  • Taylor Swift
  • The Sims 4
  • Watching LGBT and Minecraft videos on YouTube, furthermore, Hermitcraft, Empires and The Life Series are my favourite series!
  • Writing
  • And more that I could add!


  • -phobia
  • Bigotry
  • People who don’t accept good faith identities.
  • Rudeness
  • The discussion of certain body parts
  • The phrase ‘never mind’
  • The words: Woke and Snowflake (there are many more but these are notable)

Working on the Wiki

Hi, I am MagicalManager, I don’t know why that is my username, it was legitimately the first name that popped into my head when I created this account back in August of 2023, anyways, let us get into this section of my userpage.

I do quite a lot of edits, and this is me explaining what I am doing on here:

  • Providing the basis for ‘orientation’ pages, and sometimes ‘gender’ pages as well, though the gender pages are less common, especially larger umbrella terms, for example, bigender, I will make these pages but often I do very basic pages and will notify and put categories when it is reasonable.
  • Providing redirects and ensuring that redirects have the correct categories or having the redirect category/having the ‘Needing Categorization’ category/having previously stated category and any relevant categories that are needed.
  • Ensuring that citations are where they need to be/inserting the needing citation command next to the appropriate information, and with this ensuring that we are using the cite template where possible, having straight links is fine but would prefer the citing template.
  • Figuring out how to group terms, if possible. I am always looking to group together whatever I feel it needs to be grouped, such as my edits with the Galactian Alignment System. If they cannot be grouped then I will decided where the best pages they can go into, or putting them into their own pages and letting others either move them eventually, or if I eventually decide ‘oh yeah, this can be moved.’ And I will then do so.
  • I am constantly in the ‘Wiki Help’ section on the LGBTQIA Wiki discord server and I am proposing questions, which will help me figure out the best course of action, this way I can make informed decisions, or leave it to others to solve.
  • Creating categories when needed, you will see that I often create categories, particularly for orientation pages, e.g. Gray (orientation) or Pronoun Stances as examples of what I do.
  • Sometimes I will upload images, but this is not always the case, I personally find it a tricky process, so I will often leave the images/flag sections blank and insert the ‘Needing Flags’ category.
  • I am personally not very strict on pages, however, if I feel the need to be strict then I will. I am more strict on the Miraheze Wiki, as I feel that is an underdeveloped version of this wiki, or it is personally lacking strength, if you get what I mean. I do not however, transfer my frustrations of that wiki to this one, I like being more lenient here. However, what I am strict on is ensuring that all information where appropriate has been transferred from the old wiki, I don’t transfer everything as I feel there is a lot of unnecessary information, and I want to weasel out the information that is not relevant.

tl/dr: My Goals:

  • Creating a base of orientation and gender pages (including umbrella terms)
  • Ensure redirects have correct categories
  • Ensure citations are added or the ‘Citation Needed’ note is added and also using the cite template where possible.
  • Figuring out groupings of terms.
  • Create categories.
  • Uploading images or adding the ‘Needing Flags’ category.

I am a full time student and so may not be able to always edit, but my discussion/talk page is open if anyone wants to ask questions, or give ideas of where to place pages, if you disagree with a decision either keep it to yourself or ask about it and ask/say if you think I should have done it another way, and I will let you know when I can or if I can do so.


Gender Systems/Orientation Systems
Coined via wiki Coined via screenshots/discord etc + no resources Coined externally
Aaron's Putty System (Has archive links) CB System (Coined via wiki with a screenshot confirming coinage) Alibinary System
Aecor System (Water System) (All terms have pages) Domesticat System (Coined via discord, no resources) Alloy Alignment System (Has broken links)
Amilisc Binary System (Has archive link but is dead, all terms don't have pages) Ehlnofey Gender System (Coined via discord, no resources)
Animegacha Gender System (Has archive links but they are dead links) Eldarin Gender System (Coined via discord, no resources) CreepyCute System (Incomplete)
Astrokit System (A couple of pages but most don't have pages, has archive resource relating to coining of system but not the terms themselves) Gencolour System (Coined via wiki discord, no resources, no information on coiner) Element System
Bedtime System (Majority have pages) HC System (Coined via wiki discord and wiki no resources) Emotiverbic System
CB System (Coined via wiki with a screenshot confirming coinage) Restaurant System (Coined via discord no screenshots of coinage) Exemgenders System
CC System (No information on history, each term has a page) Thane Gender System (Coined via discord but only resource is a carrd) Hemospectrum System (Difference in name so unsure on what name is correct, resource doesn't mention the name)
CMY Color Gender and Attraction System TL System (Coined via wiki with a screenshot confirming coinage) Hoxxes System (See individual pages rather than main page)
Card Deck System Eeveelutiogender System (Most of the genders don't have pages) Lion King System
Cat System MSMgender System
Class Gender System (A couple genders have pages) Pallet System (Difference in name so unsure on what name is correct, resource doesn't mention the name)
Coloric System Shopic System
Colorwheel system (No information about coinage/history, terms have no pages)
Crystalyc System Thane Gender System (Coined via discord but only resource is a carrd)
Eevee System (Memegender) The Gothic System
Eeveelutiogender System (Most of the genders don't have pages) Wendecure System (Only has one gender)
Eggsexual System Fluidflux Fragment Gender System (Presumed unfinished, some terms have external resources)
Emotion Gender System (Has an archive resource but it is a dead link, check individual pages)
Ever After System (Candidate for deletion on Miraheze, has no information or resources.)
Felinus System (Has an archive resource but it is a dead link)
Flidfluff System (A couple pages don't have pages, most do however)
Floric System (Has an archive resource but it is a dead link)
Fluffy Cat System
Fluidflux Fragment Gender System (Presumed unfinished, some terms have external resources)
French bakery system (None of the genders have pages, candidate for deletion on Miraheze)
Fruitian System
Garden System (Only has two genders)
Hunger Games System (Most of the genders don't have pages, candidate for deletion on Miraheze)
Landform System (half of the genders don't have pages, has archived link of coining)
Latusilian Gender System
Magicae System (None of the genders have pages)
Matter System (half of the genders don't have pages)
Month Gender System (None of the genders have pages)
Musicorum System
Muto-Disordered Gender System
Mythical Creature System
Ophanian Gender System (Has a resource but it is a dead link, no archived version of it- goes to Fandom Wiki)
Phobia System (Has a tumblr link of an alternate flag of the system's flag, majority of the genders don't have pages)
Pomo- System
Poptropica System (Has archive link of confirmation that creator was coining the system and not the system itself)
Puzzlegender System
Pyralignment System (Has some external resources)
Rabbit System
Rainbow Magic System (Candidate for deletion on Miraheze, has no information or resources.)
SEGA System (Has archive link of coining)
Scene System
Season system
Singender System
Spectral Gender System
Stellate Orientation System
TL System (Coined via wiki with a screenshot confirming coinage)
Tavaline System
Techno-gender System
Terra System
The Autre System
The Creep System (Has some external links for flags but coined via page no other resources)
The Divine System (Called Divinive on the miraheze wiki)
The Inter-System
The Spirit System (Candidate for deletion on Miraheze, has no information or resources and unfinished)
The Warrior System
The Wood System (Has a resource but is only for the flag of the system)
Therian system (Has a resource but it is a dead link, no archived version of it- goes to Fandom Wiki)
Train Stations System
Tubuh System
Weird Marbles System (Candidate for deletion on Miraheze, has no information or resources.)