User:Finsexual communist


About me, the finsexual communist


I am a Finsexual-Kronosgender-Abroromantic-Laven communist who likes:

There is more they're just so minor it doesn't matter I grew up in Birmingham, England then later moved to Solingen, Germany to escape Brexit as we would have likely been deported for being German


sexual Identity

Finsexual refers to the primary or exclusive attraction to femininely presenting individuals, this can, sometimes, include attraction to masculine presenting women, this however, does not apply to me (the writer, subject and owner of this page)

romantic identity

abroromantic refers to a set of romantic identity that one is fluid between, this fluidity can be over long or short stretches of time for me, I don't know what time-span it is, the set of romantic identities I am fluid between is this:

gender identity

Kronosgender refers to a gender identity that changes over the course of the day, this can be any time during the day, specific or vague, for me, I have my first phase during the day and my second during the evening/night these phases are:


Laven refers to a non-binary person presenting with a combination of traditionally feminine and androgynes traits