Talk:Attraction and Orientation
(Redirected from Talk:Orientation and Attraction)
(Note: This is the first page I've created from source, so it may need editing.)
Missing orientation: Sapiosexual: Attraction to someone's intelligence.
Sapioromantic could also be added as a distinct attraction style.
I also question part of the definition of "Romantic." The prevalence of polyamory demonstrates that exclusivity (monosexuality, monoromanticism) is not integral to the definition. I myself am poly in both respects.
- Have adjusted the definition for romantic orientation/attraction. Sapiosexual and sapiromantic aren't their own orientation types, they belong to -sexual and -romantic and will get their own orientation page in due time Sapio (orientation). Jeb_CC, Bureaucrat | (xe/xem/xir) (talk) 09:30, 24 November 2023 (UTC)