Sapphic For Sapphic


Sapphic4Sapphic, Faunic For Faunic (Faunic4Faunic), Daunic For Daunic (Daunic4Daunic), or Lesbian For Lesbian (Lesbian4Lesbian) is a term that describes a woman/woman-aligned/non-binary individual who chooses to only be in sapphic and queer relationships. They choose to only date those who are women/woman-aligned/non-binary, who also love women/woman-aligned/non-binary individuals.

This includes those who are lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, queer, m-spec, etc.


The term and its flag were created by The MOGAI Dragon on Tumblr on September 15th 2021.[1]

It was mentioned prior by the user on September 10th 2021 that xe were going to create this term.citation needed


  1. The MOGAI Dragon. "Sapphic4Sapphic". Tumblr, 15 Sep. 2021,