Term Hoarder

(Redirected from Lycheehoarder)

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This describe those who hoard terms.

Hoarding terms is not to be confused with the non exclusive variant of collecting terms. Though a hoarder may also be considered a collector, a collector is not a hoarder.

Related Terms

Term Relationship Description Difference
Gender Collector Counterpart An individual who collects Gender terms. Gender Collector collects specifically gender terms.
Name Collector Counterpart An individual who collects names. Name Collector is the non-exclusive variant of Name Hoarder
Pronoun Collector Counterpart An individual who collects pronouns. Pronoun Collector collects specifically pronouns.
Term Collector Counterpart An individual who collects terms. Term Collector refers to terms in a general sense.
Gender Hoarder Similar An individual who hoards gender terms. Gender Hoarder is the exclusive version of Gender Collector and is specific to genders.
Name Hoarder Similar An individual who hoarders names. Name Hoarder is the exclusive version of Name Collector
Pronoun Hoarder Similar An individual who hoards pronouns. Pronoun Hoarder is the exclusive version of Pronoun Collector.

Sub Terms

Label Flag Description Coiner
Bluejayhoarder Bluejayhoarder (or bluejaycollector) is a term for those who hoard collector labels. AndleRandle
Kiwihoarder Kiwihoarder is a subset of term collector where one collects or "hoards" orientations. Genderpulvisilve
Lycheehoarder Lycheehoarder also known as lycheecollector is a subset of magpiehoarder in which one's orientation is static but one is unsure or is still questioning what their orientation is, so they 'hoard' or 'collect' orientations that fit them. hiitsyaz
Magipiehoarder Magpiehoarder is an identity similar to kiwihoarder, where a individual uses many labels to describe their orientation. A magpiehoarder does not have a fluid sexuality and collect labels for another reason. Vine Maple

