Gender Collector


To describe those who collect labels related to gender

Collecting genders is not to be confused with the neurodivergent exclusive variant of hoarding genders. Though a hoarder may also be considered a collector, a collector is not a hoarder.

Related Terms

Term Relationship Description Difference
Name Collector Similar An individual who collects names. Name Collector collects specifically names.
Pronoun Collector Similar An individual who collects pronouns. Pronoun Collector collects specifically pronouns.
Term Collector Similar An individual who collects terms. Term Collector collects specifically terms.
Gender Hoarder Counterpart An individual who hoards gender terms. Gender Hoarder is the exclusive version of Gender Collector.
Name Hoarder Counterpart An individual who hoards names. Name Hoarder is the exclusive version of Name Collector and is specific to names.
Pronoun Hoarder Counterpart An individual who hoards pronouns. Pronoun Hoarder is the exclusive version of Pronoun Collector and is specific to pronouns.
Term Hoarder Counterpart An individual who hoards terms. Term Hoarder is the exclusive version of Term Collector

Sub Terms

Label Flag Description Coiner


