Devotio (orientation)


Orientation: Any
Prefix: Devotio-
Main Umbrella: Aspec
GxG Format: ?x?

Genders: Any
Attracted To: Any

Devotio- is an orientation prefix describing individuals who struggle to feel attraction, but desire a relationship.

Devotio- individuals often develop crushes towards celebrities or fictional characters. Devotio- individuals are also capable of developing crushes towards real people they know, but struggle to keep their attraction for a long time.

A devotio- individual's attraction otherwise feels the same as anyone else's. This is left up to interpretation.

Related Terms

Label Relationship Description Difference
Cupid- Similar Cupid- describes an individual who experiences some attraction, but desires a relationship. Devotio- specifies that the user struggles to experience attraction.
Cupio- Similar Cupio- describes an individual who experiences little to no attraction, but desires a relationship. Devotio- specifies that the user struggles to experience attraction.
Gray- Similar Gray- may describe an individual who experiences infrequent attraction. Devotio- does not specify frequency of attraction. Gray- does not specify desire or lack thereof for a relationship.


Label Orientation Flag Creator
Devotioromantic Romantic stvpid8itches[1]


Devotioromantic and its flag were coined by Tumblr user Devotioromantic on June 16, 2024.[1] The term was named after "devotio", a Latin word meaning "vow, devote".[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 stvpid8itches. Tumblr, 16 Jun. 2024, Archived on 28 Jan. 2025.
  2. Wiktionary, 25 May. 2010, Archived on 08 Dec. 2024.