

Cispronominal (Also known as Cispronoun) is the conformant act of exclusively using the pronouns associated with one's assigned gender at birth and/or a pronoun set that are common for one’s gender identity, and so it does not include those who are not transpronominal or crosspronominal.

Cispronominal can describe many cisgender people, however not all cisgender people are cispronominal. For example, a cis woman who uses xe/xem pronouns, and such would be considered crosspronominal.


The term and flag were created on Tumblr the blog beyond-mogai-pride-flags on February 16, 2021. The flag uses colors from the transn’t flag and gender conforming flag.[1]


  1. Beyond MOGAI Pride Flags. "Cispronominal Flag". Tumblr, 16 Feb. 2021, Archived on 19 May. 2023.