You can call me Rhys/Storm/Grey. I'm nomifluix so being a called a combo of those feels best, but if you stick with just one that's fine too.
My pronouns are It/Its and Vi/Vir primarily, but basically any neopronoun works.
I've been using this wiki (and its predecessors) for about 4-5 years now and love adding terms and flags, and making edits to help out whenever I can. I may not be active all the time, and I definitely post slow, but trust me when I say I'm never really gone.
My IDs
Soul: Overhuman | Fallenangelkin | Fenikae
Internal: Autistic | Smalichro*** | (+)Copinglinker -+- External: Androgynique
Human Gender: Arosxenoboy | Boyfluid -+- Non-Human Gender: Fallengender | Medicosm | (+)Colinkneu
Interpersonal: Cenelian -+- Nephilaffectis -+- Adexsexual
***I don't wish to discuss this in depth with others, but essentially I am traumastuck at a younger age than my body. Despite this, please do not attempt to DM me if you are a minor, I am still bodily an adult and do not wish to be your friend /not mad /serious. If you have a question for me, I'm on the wiki discord where you can ask me publicly.
(+)Sometimes I'm able to pet regress with a copinglink, sometimes not. When I can, it usually affects how I feel my gender, so I just put the symbol next to them both.