Neuro (orientation)

(Redirected from Neuroromantic)

Orientation: Any
Prefix: Neuro

Neuro- is an orientation prefix on the anattractional spectrum where one's attraction is affected by one's neurodivergence. It can be used to describe one's condition affecting their orientations or just as a standalone identity.

Neuro- is exclusive to neurodivergent individuals.

Related Terms

Term Relationship Description Difference
Neuroacri- Similar One who experiences attraction, but that experience feels unnatural or wrong, as though it should not happen to them, due to neurodivergence. Neuroacri- specifies how neurodivergence affects ones orientation.
Neurogender Similar One’s gender is in some way linked to their neurodivergence, mental illness, or neurological conditions. Neurogender is the gender equivalent.


Term Flag Coiner
Neuroalterous Pastelmemer (potentially)[1]
Neuroplatonic Pastelmemer (potentially)[1]
Neuroqueerplatonic Pastelmemer (potentially)[1]
Neuroromantic Pastelmemer (potentially)[2]
Neurosensual Pastelmemer (potentially)[1]
Neurosexual Pastelmemer (potentially)[2]


Neurosexual and Neuroromantic may have been coined by Pastelmemer, they were both uploaded to the Tumblr blog Pride-color-schemes on July 4, 2016.[2]


The flags of neuroalterous, neuroplatonic, neuroqueerplatonic, neuroromantic, neurosensual and neurosexual were all designed by Pastelmemer around the same time it was uploaded to the Tumblr blog Pride-color-schemes.[1][2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Pride-color-schemes. "Neuro-". Tumblr, 04 Jul. 2016,
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Pride-color-schemes. "Neuro-". Tumblr, 04 Jul. 2016, Archived on 07 Aug. 2022.