
(Redirected from Neogirlflux)

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Neogender has two definitions which refer to:

- Gender terms that were coined recently. Under the most strict definition of the term it describes any gender created or given a definitions in or after the year 2000, though the exact limit of when something stops being a neogender may be subjective.

- A gender that is connected to a particular gender or gender quality but is different from how must individuals are connected to it, and that they feel like a new type of X gender, or they feel connected in a different way and so its a ‘new’ version of X gender.

*Note that X is being used in place of the gender.


Label Flag Description Creator
Neoaboy It's described as an agender individual with a connection to masculinity, but in a way that's largely different from how most boys/men are connected to masculinity. MivoeiCitation Needed
Neoboy This is a gender connected to masculinity, but it’s in a way that is different from how most boys/men are connected to masculinity. This is a non-binary identity that is mostly separate from being male. @erikaispanlol
Neoboyflux This is a term for someone whose neoboy gender fluctuates. One can fluctuate to feeling fully neoboy to feeling fully Agender. Starry-Cometcon101
Neoagirl Described as an agender individual with a connection to femininity, but in a way that’s largely different to how most girls/women are connected to femininity. ArloCitation Needed
Neogirl This is a gender connected to femininity, but it’s in a way that is different from how most girls/women are connected to femininity. This is a non-binary identity that is mostly separate from being female. erikaispanlolCitation Needed
Neogirlflux This is a term for someone whose neogirl gender fluctuates. One can fluctuate to feeling fully neogirl to feeling fully Agender. Starry-Cometcon101
Neomasculine This is a gender with a connection to masculinity, but in a non-traditional way, different from the way men and male-aligned individuals experience gender. blitzogender
Neofeminine This is a gender with a connection to feminity, but in a non-traditional way, different from the way women and female-aligned individuals experience gender. blitzogenderCitation Needed


Neogender was coined by Tumblr user lgbtqiarchive originally on or before May 25, 2019.[1]

The term was later elaborated on by MM on the Mogai-Wiki on October 20, 2020.[2]

The neogender flags were created by rando-pride-flags on Tumblr on October 20, 2020.[3]



  1. Variant Archive. "Neogender". Tumblr, 25 May. 2019,
  2. MM. Tumblr, 20 Oct. 2020, Archived on 21 Oct. 2020.
  3. Rando-pride-flags. Tumblr, 20 Oct. 2020, Archived on 21 Oct. 2020.