Disakoi (orientation)


Orientation: Any
Prefix: Disakoi-
Main Umbrella: Aspec
GxG Format: ?x?

Genders: Any
Attracted To: Any

Disakoi- is an orientation prefix that describes an aspec individual who wants someone to feel attraction towards them, but cannot reciprocate that attraction. This can be due to repulsion, discomfort, another aspec- identity, or otherwise being unable to reciprocate the same attraction that is felt towards them

Related Terms

Label Relationship Description Difference
Lith- Similar Lith- describes an individual whose attraction fades when it is reciprocated. Disakoi- individuals cannot reciprocate attraction.
Recipro- Opposite Recipro- describes an individual who can only experience attraction towards people to are attracted to them. Disakoi- individuals cannot reciprocate attraction.


Label Orientation Flag Creator(s)
Disakoiplatonic Platonic Icantchooseanamepleasehelp[1]
Disakoiromantic Romantic Spencerreidsfbivest[1]
Disakoisexual Sexual Spencerreidsfbivest[1]


Disakoiromantic, its flag, and disakoisexual were coined by LGBTA Wiki user Spencerreidsfbivest on August 30, 2021. On the same date, disakoiplatonic was first mentioned by LGBTA Wiki user Icantchooseanamepleasehelp.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Spencerreidsfbivest. "hey gang new aro label just dropped B)". LGBTA Wiki, 30 Aug. 2021, https://web.archive.org/web/20210902182149/https://lgbta.wikia.org/f/p/4400000000000186492. Archived on 02 Sep. 2021.