Considatore Attraction and Orientation

Considatore Attraction

Suffix: -considatore

Considatore attraction is a type of tertiary attraction caused by someone respecting or supporting your queer identity. A possible example of considatore attraction would be a non-binary individual feeling attracted to someone who always genders them correctly and makes them euphoric.

The individual who triggers the attraction may or may not be queer. If they are queer, it may fall under peculic attraction.


The term was coined by Tumblr user mourningmogaicrew on January 15, 2022. [1] The name of the term comes from the word 'considerate'.

Flags and Symbols

The flag for considatore attraction was created by the same user as the term, on the same date. The middle purple stripes were based on the queer chevron and the outside grey stripes were based on various cishet flags.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 mourningmogaicrew. "Queer attraction types". Tumblr, 15 Jan. 2022, Archived on 07 Dec. 2024.