
The main article for this category is Metagender.

The term metagender has multiple meanings but this category uses the definition of "a term that describes the meta qualities of a gender, rather than the term being the gender itself."

The term metagender has multiple meanings but this category uses the definition of "a term that describes the qualities or properties of an gender", 'meta' meaning "referring to itself or to the conventions of its genre". It is often used for genders that do not specify any defined genders (minsexual as an example) or any undefined genders (bisexual as an example). It can also be defined as a term describing how one feels about their own gender.


  • Quoigender is describing an individual that has a confusing or unknown gender.
  • Messgender is describing an individual who doesn't know what their own gender(s) are, and thus changes gender labels often.


This category has only the following subcategory.


Pages in category "Metagender"

The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.