Bi Loving Bi


Bi Loving Bi (BiLBi or Bi4Bi) is a orientation-loving-orientation term that describes individuals who only engage in relationships with other bi- individuals (regardless whether bisexual, biromantic, etc., depending on the individual, Bi loving Bi may also include other m-spec identities that full under the multisexual umbrella, or it may be specific to only bi identifying individuals.

One may prefer to only engage in the relationship with other bi individuals as they are able to relate to each other, or may be for other personal reasons, such as the comfort that may come from a fellow bi individual.

Bi loving Bi is similar to other orientation-loving-orientation terms, such as, Achillean loving Achillean.


The Bi4Bi term and flag was created by Twitter user bii4biis on October 10, 2021.[1]

The colors, in order from top to bottom, represent Generosity, Security and Protection, Luxury and Growth, diversity in love + long standing relationships + freedom from biphobia.

The flag was made with the lotus flower in mind. The lotus represents a lot, but the aspect of enlightenment associated with the flower was the main focus. The turquoise is meant to resemble water, the jade lily pads, and the bubblegum and magenta haze petals.


  1. bii4biis. "Your fave is Bi4Bi". Twitter, 10 Oct. 2021, Archived on 20 Jan. 2022.