Apex (orientation)


Orientation: Any
Prefix: Apex-

Apex (orientation) is an orientation prefix where one does not experience attraction towards strangers, but may develop attraction when a personal bond forms, and then loses that attraction when the bond grows stronger.

Apex may be described as a combination of fray- and demi-, where demi leads into fray.


"Apex" means "the extreme end, point, summit, top" in Latin.[1] This represents the pattern of losing and regaining attraction as a personal bond develops.


Apexromantic and apexsexual were coined on August 18, 2022 by Reddit user AnonymousHermitCrab.[2]

Related Terms

Label Relationship Description Difference
Demi- Similar An individual that does not experience attraction unless one has formed a deep or emotional connection with the target of attraction. Apex- individuals can only begin to experience attraction when a bond starts to develop.

Demi- does not specify if one will lose attraction as a bond grows stronger.

Vallis- Opposite An individual who may experience attraction towards strangers, loses that attraction when a personal bond forms, then may gain that attraction back when the bond grows stronger. Apex- individuals do not experience attraction towards strangers and individuals one has a strong bond with. One begins to experience attraction when a bond starts to develop.


Label Prefix / Suffix Flag Creator(s)
Apexromantic Romantic AnonymousHermitCrab[2]
Apexsexual Sexual AnonymousHermitCrab[2]


  1. latinlexicon.org, https://latinlexicon.org/definition.php?p1=1001221. Accessed on 08 Aug. 2024.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Anonymoushermitcrab. "Coining Terms: Apexsexual and Vallissexual.". Reddit, 18 Aug. 2022, https://web.archive.org/web/20220830084325/https://www.reddit.com/r/asexuality/comments/wrrvxv/coining_terms_apexsexual_and_vallissexual/. Archived on 30 Aug. 2022.