-fog (orientation)


Orientation: Any
Main Umbrella: Aspec

-fog (orientation) is an orientation suffix where one knows that they are aspec, but they can’t tell if they ever experience attraction or if they are completely repulsed as a result of neurodiversity.[1]

-fog orientations are exclusive to neurodivergent people.

Related Terms

Label Relationship Description Difference
-vague similar -vague refers to an aspec individual whose orientation is partially or fully influenced by their neurodivergence[2]. -vague does not imply that one experiences confusion regarding their orientation.
aquoi- similar Aquoi- refers to someone who feels that they don't experience a specific type of attraction, but is unsure because they don't entirely understand that type of attraction.[3]

Aquoi- can also refer to someone who is partially aspec, but is unsure of the other part of their identity.[3]

Aquoi- orientations are not exclusive to neurodivergent people, unlike -fog orientations.

Also, with -fog, one may fully understand the specified attraction type, unlike with the first definition of aquoi-. A -fog individual does not have be partially aspec, unlike individuals who use the second definition of aquoi-.

nebula- similar Nebula- refers to an individual who cannot tell if they experience attraction or not due to their neurodivergence and/or intrusive thoughts/urges.

Nebula- can also refer to an individual who cannot differentiate between attraction types due to their neurodivergence.[4]

The first definition of nebula- is not exclusive to neurodivergent people, unlike with -fog.

With the second definition of nebula-, one experiences confusion between multiple attraction types. However, with -fog, one experiences confusion about one specific type of attraction.


Label Prefix / Suffix Flag Creator(s)
Acefog Ace Acefog.png Tumblr user emostiims[5]
Arofog Aro Arofog.png FANDOM user Crayonpuppy.x[6]
