Encephalo (orientation)

(Redirected from Encephalaroace)

Orientation: Any
Prefix: Encephalo-

Encephalo- is an orientation prefix which describes one who does not experience any type of attraction until an intellectual bond is formed, or until one experiences mental attraction. An intellectual bond is related to sharing of wisdom, knowledge, hobbies, aspirations and interests.

One can only experience a type of attraction to an individual if they have an intellectual bond and/or experiences mental attraction to. However, this does not mean that one will be attracted to everyone they form such bond or attraction with, but it opens up the possibility.

NOTE: This is not "attraction to smart individuals" nor is it about gatekeeping intelligence, it is only to be used in the context of mental attraction and close intellectual bonds.

Related Terms

Term Relationship Description Difference
Sapiosexual Similar This can be defined as when one only experiences sexual attraction to individuals they experience mental attraction to, intellectually bond with, are inspired by, or admire for their unique intellectual beauty.

Originally defined as when one finds intelligence sexually attractive or arousing, or finds intelligence to be the most attractive attribute in a individual.

Though similar, Sapiosexual has a very controversial history amid claims of exclusionism, classism, and being generally problematic.


Term Prefix/Suffix Flag Coiner
Encephalaroace -aroace Unknown
Encephaloromantic -romantic Unknown
Encephalosexual -sexual Unknown


Encephalosexual was coined by an anonymous wiki user on October 22, 2020. It was coined as an alternative to sapiosexual, which has classist, ableist, problematic, and controversial connotations due to its history.

"Rather than focusing on things like IQ or academic intelligence, encephalosexuality is based on sharing of interests, knowledge, and other similar things one can bond over intellectually."[1]

Encephaloromantic and Encephalaroace were coined by an anonymous wiki user on October 22, 2020, presumably by the same individual, with all the flags being created the same day, as stated before presumably by the same individual.


  1. "Encephalosexual". lgbtqia.wiki, https://lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Encephalosexual#History.