Adornic Orientation and Attraction

Adornic Attraction

Suffix: -adornic

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Adornic is a type of alterous attraction based off of adoration for another individual. This type of attraction can be described as adoration for the other. It should feel warm and comfortable. Adornic attraction thrives off of happiness, and individuals in an adornic relationship should make each other happy, laugh, and overall give them a warm feeling that is unlike that of romantic attraction.


The term adornic attraction was coined on September 10, 2022 by Tumblr user deertism. [1]

Related Terms

Label Relationship Description Difference
Doraric Attraction Similar Attraction arising from a place of adoration in a way that is is neither strictly platonic or strictly romantic Doraric complies with traditional ideas of love, and is defined by its relationship to romantic and platonic attraction. Adornic attraction isn't love by traditional standards, and is more like a strong emotional attachment.[2]


Label Flag Creator(s)
homoadornic/adornic lesbian AdornicLesbian.png[3] titans-flag-space
homoadornic/adornic gay AdornicGay.png[3] titans-flag-space
biadornic BiAdornic.png[3] titans-flag-space
panadornic PanAdornic.png[3] titans-flag-space
polyadornic PolyAdornic.png[3] titans-flag-space
omniadornic OmniAdornic.png[3] titans-flag-space
heteroadornic HeteroAdornic.png[3] titans-flag-space
adornic sapphic AdornicSapphic.png[3] titans-flag-space
adornic achillean AdornicAchillean.png[3] titans-flag-space

Flags and Symbols

The adornic flag was created by the coiner on the same date as the term. The meanings for the stripes are, from top to bottom: admiration, platonic affection, fondness, happiness, bond. On December 12, 2024, Tumblr user titans-flag-space created flags for specific adornic orientations. The flags were created by mixing the colors of the adornic flag with the colors of the orientation's flag. The colors have no particular meanings.[3]
